On top of the bigger events we get involved in, there are a number of day to day or regular activities we arrange or get involved in, including raising funds, making small donations and helping out with national and international campaigns.
Collecting for Marie Curie Cancer Care
Every year we enjoy collecting money for Marie Curie at Martins Heron Tescos or Morrisons in Bracknell. Wearing silly yellow hats and smiling to everyone who comes through the doors. Thanks to all for your generosity!
Bracknell Food Bank, Berkshire Womens Aid and Cowshed:
As part of our ongoing comitment to local causes, we regularly donate both food, clothing, toiletries and funds to our organisations that support local families and women in need. Over the past few years we have regularly collected required items from the local community as well as purchasing specific items such as pillows, underwear and sleeping bags for the homeless using the Pilgrim Hearts winter shelters, toiletries for families in need and chocolate selection boxes for children in refuge (below).
We also support the foodbank, working with the generous staff and families at Wildridings school to do regular collections for the items that are most needed.
"Bracknell foodbank is part of a national network of foodbanks, giving out nutritionally balanced emergency food to people in crisis who have nowhere else to turn. We also offer additional support to help break the cycle of poverty, putting people in touch with relevant agencies who can offer further support."

Litter Picking
Keeping our local area a nice place to be is really important to us. We must never underestimate the value of community work like litter picking- it's been great to be out in the community and meeting people whilst clearing up the local area. We started litter picking during lockdown in 2020 and now run monthly litter picks. We ask on social media channels for suggestions of places to target and then follow up so the community know we're here to help them.
In December 2011, the club assisted at a Christmas party for the Me 2 Club, which uses local volunteers (most aged 16-25 years) to engage children with a range of disabilities into every day activities and clubs. The volunteers work hard all year around, and the party is a chance for them to relax with the children they support. It was a superb day enjoyed by all! There was a visit from Santa (with special presents for everyone) a superb clown, art time and a lovely lunch.
The club contributed to the costs of the party, and then assisted on the day with setting up the lunch, chatting to the families and volunteers and doing the event photography. It was so much fun that we also got involved in 2012, assisting with the food!
In 2013 the Me2Club contacted us with the great news that they were about to celebrate their 10th anniversary and were planning a party at Thames Valley Adventure Park which is a great facility in Taplow with huge indoor and outdoor play areas for children and adults with special needs. The Club were more than happy to help, bringing along some new and prospective members to help out with the day. We also helped out with the Christmas party for 2013!
Ever since we have been involved in the Me2Club, assisting with finances and extra pairs of hands at their biannual events.
From the Me 2 Club website:
"The Me2 Club helps children and young people aged 5 to 19 years old with additional needs to participate in mainstream activities playing and socialising alongside other children. This is made possible by providing a trained volunteer to offer one to one support.
The Me2 Club offers support at organised out of school activities such as uniformed groups, youth clubs, sports, arts and social activities."
'The Bracknell Forest Lions were a superb help at our summer trip for the children and families we support - we really couldn't have done it without them! They were enthusiastic and energetic and their help meant that children and families had an action packed, fun day out celebrating 10 years of Me2 Club - a big Thank You from everyone at Me2 Club!'
Sarah Watson, Me2Club
Rebuilding homes in Sri Lanka:
On top of our local efforts, Bracknell Forest Lions get involved in international projects too. In 2008 and 2009, we raised funds to help rebuild these homes in Sri Lanka after they were destroyed by the Tsunami. We donate to a number of national and international disaster relief funds, including the Pakistan Earthquake appeal in 2011, the Flood relief fund in 2014, Ebola Fund, Serbia Appeal and Nepal Earthquake fund in 2015, the Children of Syriah Refugee fund in 2016, the Special Olympics fund in 2017, and supported the Gambia Appeal from 2017 onwards.
Planting Trees for a Guiness World Record Attempt:
December 2009 members and friends of Bracknell Forest Lions Club helped out with the Guiness Record attempt called Tree O'Clock
There's more information about the challenge here but in short it was a challenge to break the world record of how many trees could be planted all over the world in one hour. It was great fun and a very hands on way to get involved with local ecology.
Bag packing at Morrisons
The Lions are starting tor raise funds by good old simple bag packing activities at local supermarkets. Thanks to everyone who donated!